Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Randall J. Benton (Randy) is co-founder of Legacy Financial Solutions ,LLC, a financial planning and services firm focused on providing compehensive financial services to business owners as well as  leaders and staff members of churches, para-church ministries, and other 501©(3) organizations.  He most recently served as corporate treasurer and continues to serve as stewardship director for the S.C. Ministry Resource Center (S.C. District Assemblies of God).  

A former licensed minister with the Assemblies of God, his ministry opportunities have expanded to include a more consultative role in the arena of financial services  and estate planning to inter-denominational churches and non-profit organizations in Georgia and in both North & South Carolina.  He is a 1981 graduate of Clemson University with a major in business management along with post-graduate studies at the University of South Carolina (USC), Florida Southern College and the American College.  He holds various multi-state license designations in the insurance and investment industries and in 2007 completed a specialized “Certified Financial Planning” program with the Moore Business School (USC).  He is a Registered Financial Consultant as recognized by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants.(IARFC)  He has served as a mentor to juvenile inmates at the Department of Juvenile Justice(DJJ - Columbia) and currently teaches an ongoing session on “Managing Money God’s Way” for maximum security prisoners transitioning out of Broad River Correctional (Columbia).

Randy is active with his local church and has served in various capacities over the last 35 years as lay leader in the role of teacher, deacon, royal ranger commander, youth director, singles leader, family ministry leader and church administrator. 

 In his spare time, Randy enjoys all outdoor sports such as fishing, hiking, and biking.  Time spent with family is the ultimate experience and he strives making this a priority.

Jan, his wife of 30 years, is currently employed with the Richland District 2 school administrative office.  Their son, Joseph, is currently pursuing a career in personal training & exercise science while their daughter, Jaymeson, is currently an educator at Richland Northeast High School.


Our Trusted Partners

  • Kansas Life
  • BSC
  • IMG
  • BCBS
  • Blue
  • The Bloch Agency
  • KCL Group

HCR: 5 Things You Need to Know

  1. The ACA Law is in Effect;
  2. You are required to have coverage;
  3. Major milestones are looming;
  4. Financial help extends to middle class Americans;
  5. Insurances prices/costs may significantly change;

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What Others Are Saying

Brian Keith

"Legacy Financial Solutions has been a tremendous help to us in our efforts to provide our congregation with the essentials needed to navigate them through the difficult and arduous task of preparing wills.

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Robert Hayes

"All I did was see a need and called Legacy Financial Solutions, LLC.

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