Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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KCL "SNAP" Plan Enroll



Don't think we can save you money on your small group employee benefits?  CALL US  on it?


 SIMPLE............NEW..............AFF0RDABLE...............PROTECTION!!!...............IT'S A SNAP!

Legacy Financial Solutions and one of our LSPN strategic team partners Kansas City Life Insurance Company have partnered to create a plan of employee benefits we call Legacy SNAP that meets your needs and the needs of your employees!

Legacy SNAP focuses on SIMPLICITY -no confusing plan options and just ONE PRICE.  Legacy SNAP  is a life and disability package designed exclusively for and available only to small employer church groups of two to 24 lives. It covers all full-time employees working 20 hours or more per week.  The EMPLOYER pays 100 % of the cost and the benefit package is easy to understand as every employee receives the same benefits for a buck a day ($ 31/mo).


GROUP TERM LIFE & ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFIT$ 15,000;  Benefits reduce 35 % at age 65, 50 % of the original amount at age 70 and terminate at retirement.  Family enrollments also include $ 2,000 on Spouse/$ 1,000 on all children up to age 26/$ 250 for infants 14 days to 6 months also included.

SHORT TERM DISABILITY- $ 150/week benefit payable for up to 13 weeks for non-occupational disabilities beginningon the 1st day of an accident or the 8th day of a sickness with no limitations due to pre-existing conditions.


LONG TERM DISABILITY-60 % of an employee's salary up to a maximum benfit of $ 1,500/month after a 90 day elimination period.  Benefits are payable to Social Security Normai Retirement Age and are limited to 24 total months for diabilities caused by mental/nervous/drug/ alcohol unless hospital confined.  Benefits for a disabiity that results from a pre-existing condition will not be covered until an individaul has been actively at work for 24  months from the date he/she is eligible for coverage.



L E G AC Y   S N A P   P L A N   P A R A M E T E R S   AT   A   GLANCE 

Eligible groups size is 2-24 lives;  Eligible groups must have been in business for one year;   Initial rates are guaranteed for TWO (2) years;  GUARANTEED ISSUE COVERAGE FOR ALL ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES WITH NO MEDICAL UNDERWRITING;   Only SIC code 8661 (501 (C)(3) churches are eligible for SNAP at this time;  Employees must be performing the material and substantial duties for their own occupation for a minimum of 20 hours/week;   Employer pays 100 % of the premum and all eligible employees must be enrolled as part of their employee benefit package . 

Need SIMPLE..... NEW..... AFFORDABLE...., PROTECTION for your small group employees you can't find or get anywhere else!    WELCOME TO LEGACY SNAP....... dependable small group basic guaranteed issue group term life, accidental death and disability coverage for about a buck a day!

BROCHURE TO REVIEW?  Click here pdf          READY TO ENROLL?    Click here




Our Trusted Partners

  • Kansas Life
  • BSC
  • IMG
  • BCBS
  • Blue
  • The Bloch Agency
  • KCL Group

HCR: 5 Things You Need to Know

  1. The ACA Law is in Effect;
  2. You are required to have coverage;
  3. Major milestones are looming;
  4. Financial help extends to middle class Americans;
  5. Insurances prices/costs may significantly change;

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What Others Are Saying

Brian Keith

"Legacy Financial Solutions has been a tremendous help to us in our efforts to provide our congregation with the essentials needed to navigate them through the difficult and arduous task of preparing wills.

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Robert Hayes

"All I did was see a need and called Legacy Financial Solutions, LLC.

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