Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Prescription Discount Card



Welcome To InCareRX Prescription Discount Card Program.

We are proud to provide you and your family access to the lowest overall prices available nationwide at over 60,000 pharmacies, including most major chains.  Get ready to start saving from 14% to 21% on Brand, and from 10% to 90% off all your prescriptions, especially generics, depending on what medications are prescribed!

THIS IS NOT INSURANCE! Nor does this discount card have cash value! It may be used IMMEDIATELY and is available to anyone who wants to save on their RX prescriptions and durable medical equipment (DME) "out of pocket" expenses.  EVERYONE IS ELIGIBLE.... NO AGE or INCOME RESTRICTIONS and absolutely FREE and instantly activated upon receipt.

WHY InCareRx...YOU ASK?....: Because InCare RX Member Patient Benefits has the highest overall savings of any other discount card available we can find; this means the lowest overall prices on prescription drugs; no need to shop around because with this card you receive the same low price at every participating pharmacy.  It's HIPPA compliant also, so patient Information will NEVER be disclosed or sold to any third party, nor released to anyone for any purpose;

                                                   Other InCare RX Card Benefit Pluses


   + NO MEDICAL QUESTIONS                                    + NO PAPERWORK                                   + FREE MEMBERSHIP

                                                                   + Toll Free HELP LINE @ 1.800.286.9589

Pharmacies Benefit - InCareRx sends them more cash paying customers who return and are no longer lost to independent pharmacies because of non competitive Rx prices alone.  Customers just keep coming month after month, because of no longer having to shop around for the lowest Rx prices! 

A: Unlike the other discount cards they accept, IncareRx also does NOT compete with pharmacies by offering Mail Order Service, for those who prefer this method of savings under their curent prescription drug program (PDP).
B: Incare RX also does NOT pay exorbitant endosement fees to medical providers as some discount card programs typically do.

Physicians & Other Healthcare Providers Benefit
MD's hospitals, Emergency Care Centers and other healthcare providers love telling their patients about our InCare discount care program........

MD's and healthcare provider facilities treat folks everyday with physical, mental and often financial problems who have NO INSURANCE or "IF ANY at all", find they usually have very limited RX BENEFITS.  Even healthy folks, who often prefer a higher deductible plan design to save money and on purpose prefer "greater max out of pocket" type coverage discover they MUST PAY plan Dedeductible(s) and too often even their max out of pocket (MOOP)  FIRST......BEFORE their limited RX benefits even kick in...... 


 "HI...... this is a small thiing, but to me it was great! My daughter is very sick with strep throat. 99.99 % of the time she is the picture of health. She had missed two days from work already and she had no health insurance. When she got to CVS to fill her script, she was told that it would be $ 69.00, She called me and told me and I emailed her immediately a copy of my InCare RX card. She gave it to the clerk right from her cell phone, who preceeded to enter the information. The PRICE DROPPED DOWN to $ 28. She and i couldn't believe it. Now i am really excited, because if it can help her like that, it can help so many others in similar situations!"

Ready To Start Saving?  Get your Card NOW

Click Here for ENGLISHpdf;    Click Here for SPANISHpdf Click Here for Pharmacy Finder and Drug Prices


Our Trusted Partners

  • Kansas Life
  • BSC
  • IMG
  • BCBS
  • Blue
  • The Bloch Agency
  • KCL Group

HCR: 5 Things You Need to Know

  1. The ACA Law is in Effect;
  2. You are required to have coverage;
  3. Major milestones are looming;
  4. Financial help extends to middle class Americans;
  5. Insurances prices/costs may significantly change;

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